Core Curriculum


Course topics of our core, two-day course :

History & Purpose of Leasing
Explore the roles leasing played in early, recorded history. Track leasing’s development and look in-depth at the events and trends that set the stage for the leasing industry as we know it today.

Lease Terminology and Classification
Develop the basic terminology and understanding necessary to deal with fellow professionals, staff, lenders, accountants, attorneys, and knowledgeable clients. Learn how to identify what a lease is—and what it’s not. Take an in-depth look at the lease from the views of book accounting, tax accounting, and the law.

Marketing, Sales
Gain valuable insights into how to market both yourself and your lease product. Go step by step through a marketing plan designed for success. Explore the “lease versus buy” decision from both sides of the deal. Look at the best way to sell the deal, including how you can avoid objections before they arise—and overcome the ones that do. Review basic sales and closing techniques and apply them to a lease scenario.

Lessor-Vendor Relationships
Learn how to develop and work with vendors as a source of business. Define the various relationships that are possible between vendor and lessor, and investigate the benefits and pitfalls of each.

Credit & Credit Scoring, Financial Statement Analysis
Follow the lease credit decision from start to finish. Look at small ticket decision making, including the application of credit scoring. Explore how a larger transaction is approached, and what elements must be present in order to get a “yes” on the deal. Review the different formats for financial statements and tax returns. Learn how to read and interpret the information from both financial statements and tax returns, and to determine how reliable it is. Learn about proprietorships, corporations, partnerships, associations, trusts, and how each of these entities must be approached in the credit decision process.

Lease Pricing
Find out how you make your profit on a deal. Look at the concept of “time use of money” and the various structures for computing and collecting interest on payments. Learn how lease rates are computed, then practice your proficiency on the financial calculator by doing rate calculations for various scenarios. Establish how to structure a deal and to compute variable, tiered, step, annual and other payment variations.

Lease Law & Documentation
Explore how your lease is going to fare if it has to go to court. Determine the Lessor’s rights in bankruptcy. Look at the legal requirements for doing business in various jurisdictions. Determine the appropriate documentation and filing requirements for Article 2-A, real property waivers, fixture filings and other lessor protections. Review the various documents necessary for a lease transaction and examine the specific provisions of these documents. Look at the benefits and problems associated with “plain language” documentation. Look at how the adequacy of documentation can impact the broker’s position for representation and warranties, and the lessor’s agreements for funding, discounting and securitization.

Government Leasing
Discover how government leasing can be a good source of business. Look at the unique requirements of government leasing, including necessary changes in documentation and pricing.

Financial & Tax Accounting
Learn how a lease is accounted for from both a “book” and a “tax” point of view. Review the FASB rules for book accounting and see how leases are entered on the lessor’s and the lessee’s financial statement. Define the IRS rules for tax treatment of a lease, and how that treatment can affect the tax liability of the lessor and the lessee. Explore how both the FASB and the IRS rules effect the lease versus buy decision.

Lease Company Management
Look at the structure and organization of a typical lease company. Define the roles of key managers. Identify and catalogue the management issues and concerns that must be addressed to operate a successful company.

Portfolio Management
Review the various aspects of profitability and successfully managing a lease portfolio. Learn how to evaluate the quality and performance of a portfolio. Identify the steps that must be taken to maintain the growth and health of a portfolio.

Sources of Financing
Identify the various sources available for financing a lease portfolio. Define the various debt structures that can be used, and how they impact portfolio cash flows. Look at the affect of both recourse and non-recourse debt arrangements on the portfolio.

Lease vs. Buy
Review the criteria that should be used to compare the benefits of leasing vs. paying cash. Learn the benefits of each, and what to watch out for.

Define the purpose of a collection department. Identify how to best organize the collection effort. Define the typical reasons for lessee delinquency and how they can best be dealt with. Explore the ways that you can help an account before it turns into a major problem. Follow the collection efforts from the first late notice through legal action. Review the correct procedures for repossession, commercially reasonable sale, and mitigation of damages. Look at the options available for the management of repossessed assets.

1 response to Core Curriculum

  1. I’m an independent ultrasound sales consultant and want to break into the leasing industries.

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